Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 created by OpenAI It processes vast volumes of data from the internet, and generate writing that it appears as if a person wrote it.
AI background
AI is the capability of machine to imitate intelligent human benaviour - Merriam-Webster Dictonary Narrow AI - machines that perform a particular set of tasks well Artificial General intelligence (AGI) - Machines that are able to reason & think Machine Learning - AI that takes lots of existing data, and use stastical techniques to help software learn how to become progressively better at a relatively narrower task. Deep Learning - Subset of ML. Learning by example Biggest challenges of AI in future maynot be technology, but the questions involving Ethics, Philosophy, Culture, Regulation & Economics
Overview of OpenAI company
Core debate in AI community - Utopia v/s Dystopia Elon Musk, Reid Hoffman, Peter Thiel, Sam Oltman, Microsoft & Infosys - Founding members of OpenAPI To promote & develop friendly AI that would benifit humanity. Began as Nonprofit in 2016 with Nine researchers Open AI Gym - First product - A toolkit for developing and comparing reinforcemet learning algorithms. Open AI Universe - A platform for enabling AI software to interact with computer such as viewing what's on the screen and using virtual keyboard & mouse In 2018, Publish paper on GPT1 In 2019, turned to for-profit enterprise Microsoft became significant investor and prefered partner to license its techology and integrate into existing AI platforms Elon Musk resigned from board as potential conflict of intrest with work at Tesla
OpenAI charter
Machine Ethics - Bias in AI, Weaponization, Morality, Robot autonomy, Liability Main 4 Principles,
- Benefits for everyone
- Safe research and development
- Leaders in AI & AGI
- Broad collaboration
Intorducing GPT3
GPT utilizes the approach that is intersection of AI, CS, Human Language aka NLP GPT2 had 1.5 billion parameters GPT3 has 175 billion parameters Model Parameter - A variable whose value can be estimited from data ( traninig data ) GPT3 hasn't passed Turing Test
Potential Automations
Explaining legal documents Transalation services Medical answers Solving math problems Content development Website creation
For more on AI
Tensorflow courses Python courses Everything as a Service (XaaS) is the Future of Business Foundations of Fourth Industrial Revolution
Examples of GPT3