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How to - Red Ear Slider Turtle

My research before getting a turtle.

Before getting any pet,

  1. Educate yourself about that animal
  2. Consider the commitment
  3. Think about their requirements - necessary equipment and supplies
  4. Calculate monthly cost
  5. Know the risks
  6. Personality of pet
  7. Note the nearest VET's phone number

About Red Ear Slider Turtles

  • Semi-aquatic
  • Most popular turtle as a pet in India
  • Native to the southern US & northern Mexico
  • Can quickly slide off rocks and logs into the water
  • The average size of an adult - 6 to 8 inches
  • Females are usually larger than males
  • Average lifespan - 20 to 30 years
  • Life expectancy is shorter when in captivity
  • Quality of living environment has a strong influence on lifespan
  • Cannot regulate body temperature and depend on the environment for it
  • Reach sexual maturity at 5 to 6 years of age

Male v/s Female

  • Males have longer claws; thicker and longer tail


  • Prefer warm calm water
  • Basking - Sunlight is very necessary.
  • Require abundant aquatic plants
  • Become inactive when the temperature falls below 10 C
  • The time between egg hatching and water entry is 21 days because they absorb nutrients from the eggshell
  • They present a risk of infection to Salmonella which can also affect humans
  • Change water at least once a week for babies
  • Change water every 2 weeks for adults
  • Ensure fresh, clean, chlorine-free water
  • Always wash your hands after handling the turtle


  • Get at least 450 L tank
  • Water depth - turtle should be able to dive into the water
  • One turtle, one tank. They are territorial
  • Basking area - 15% of the tank area
  • Use a UVB lamp and smart plug to simulate sunlight
  • Get a lid to cover the tank - they tend to escape
  • Big filter system
  • Maintain water temperature at 25.5 - 26.5 C
  • Maintain basing area temperature at 32 - 33 C


  • Pelleted food
  • Non-toxic aquatic plants - Anachris, Water lettuce
  • Squash
  • Carrots
  • Leafy vegetables
  • Coment-tailed Goldfish
  • Earthworms & insects

Basking time

  • 10 to 12 hours per day


  • Remove uneaten food
  • Clean feces
  • Clean environment once a week
  • (important) Spend time with your turtle

Signs, Turtle is unwell

  • Eye, nose, and mouth discharge
  • Discoloration bumps or spots on the shell or skin
  • Lethargic
  • Frantic/distorted swimming
  • Abnormal poop
  • Sneezing & running nose
  • Overgrown beak
  • Swelling behind the ear

Common health issues

  • Parasites of the gut

    • Signs - Diarrhoea, poor appetite, fatigue
    • Causes - contaminated food or water intake
  • Infection of the Respiratory system

    • Signs - running nose, sneezing, open mouth breathing
    • Causes - cold water environment
  • Shell rot ulcer

    • Signs - discolored, smelly, patches on the shell
    • Cause - uncleaned habitat
  • Eye infection

    • Signs - swollen eyes
    • Cause - improper diet